WHEREAS, the Election Law, Section 15-118 provides for the registration of voters for the conduct of the General Village Election; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees is required to make certain determinations and provisions therefore;
NOW THEREFORE it is hereby on a motion by Deputy Mayor Andolsek, seconded, by Trustee Wilbur.
RESOLVED that the following four persons are appointed inspectors of the single election district comprising the entire Village, and the first name is designed as chairperson thereof;
- Judith Lozier, Chairperson
- Lisa Kimball
- Victoria Mastrella
- Annette Bruno
- Anne Kennedy, Alternate Inspector
- Anthony Kimball, Machine Operator
- Wilma Bennett, Alternate Machine Operator
The compensation for each inspector is fixed at $200.00 per day; and it is further RESOLVED that there be only two inspectors to serve on registration day, to with
Judith Lozier and Victoria Mastrella and in the event of the absence or inability of either
or both, such other inspectors from the above named as the chairperson shall designate;
RESOLVED that the inspectors of election appointed shall within ten days, take, subscribe, and file their oath of office and thereafter assume the duties to preside at the Village Election and to prepare a register of voters qualified to vote; and it is further
RESOLVED that the Board of Election shall meet to commence the preparation of the register on such days as the chairperson shall designate but not to exceed two persons for two days for the forthcoming election and for registered qualified voters on Saturday, March 8, 2025 at the Village Hall, 133 Clinton Street, Montgomery, NY commencing at 12:00 o'clock in the afternoon until 5:00 o'clock in the evening of that day; and it is further
RESOLVED that the designated inspectors of election shall copy from the Village Registers for the last preceding general election the names appearing thereon of all persons qualified to vote and add thereto the names of all persons known or shown to their satisfaction to be then or at the time of the Village Election qualified to vote; and it is further
RESOLVED that the General Election shall be held on Tuesday, March 18, 2025, with a single village wide election district, said polling place to be located at the Senior Center, 36 Bridge Street, Montgomery, New York, with the polls opening at 8:00 o'clock in the forenoon and remaining open until 9:00 o'clock in the evening; and it is further
RESOLVED that a certified vote of this resolution be published by the Village Clerk in accordance with the law.
Tina Murphy Village Clerk